Hey Guys - This is the trailer for a new indi movie called Deadfall Trail; its a super awesome film that will be premeiring within the next few months!
Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I have a new website I'll be putting up soon... I'm really excited about it, so keep an eye out and check it out!
Hey Guys, found this Video the other day and absolutely loved it... it just goes to show that you don't need millions of dollars and awesome CG special effects to create a really good short film. I hop you enjoy it as much as I did.
A few weekends ago Joey and I made our way over to Kansas to shoot a very
special senior portrait session for my cousin Kelsey! Here's just a little
Hi, Kasie and Ryan McCoy here, The Filmmakers of McCoy Cinematics. We're a Hubby and Wife filming team that met via a movie script. We both plan to continue on in our pursuit of filmmaking, and move to hollywood someday to further our careeres!